Ignite your child’s potential

Cleverest is play-based and fun-guaranteed! Here your child gets the best education in the world, straight from Singapore, and has fun while becoming a competent explorer, an imaginative thinker, and a creative problem solver.

Meet Cleverest

We are unlike any other preschool 

Why Cleverest

Discover the Cleverest difference: cultivating Habits of Mind, embracing multiple intelligences, fostering Reggio Emilia-inspired spaces.

Why Singapore

Your child has now access to the best problem-solving education on the world.

Why Preschool

Early life experiences can profoundly influence later learning, behavior, and health.

What our parents say

Our families are our highest priority. We side with our parents to make sure our children are having the best experience at school. Learn more about what they have to say

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